Distinguished Award Nomination Page

This page includes online nomination forms and instructions to submit nominations by mail.
Please scroll down to view the forms.

Nominate Online
1. Distinguished Awards Nomination Form
2. Distinguished Awards Seconding Form

Nominate by Mail
3. Nomination by mail instructions.

Make a nomination online or by mail. Membership in the Iowa Academy of Science is not a prerequisite for either the nominee or nominator. Nominate online using the nomination form below. To nominate by mail download the Distinguished Award Brochure or follow the Submit by Mail instructions near the bottom of this page. Seconding letters may be submitted on the Seconding Form below or by mail. 

New Distinguished Award: Distinguished Iowa Citizen Scientist

The Distinguished Citizen Scientist Award is presented to an individual who has made significant, sustained (for at least a decade) contributions to the understanding and advancement of science in Iowa through research activities conducted outside of the individual’s employment or academic position. These contributions will consist, at least in part, of the individual’s own data (e.g. quantitative, observational, specimens, imagery) that are compiled and made available to the scientific community, other citizen scientists and/or the interested general public. Collaborations between citizen scientists and professional scientists in a particular academic discipline are common and expected, and recipients of this award will have themselves conducted a substantial part of such collaborative research.

Distinguished Award Nomination Form

For Nominators: Distinguished Awards Nomination Form

When submitting online a signed copy of the nomination letter must be uploaded on the form or mailed to the IAS office. Signed documents should be uploaded as a PDF. Supporting materials not submitted online must be mailed to the IAS office by the first Friday in February. All requested documents must be submitted for the nomination to be complete. Contact the IAS office if you have questions.

Fill out my online form.

Distinguished Awards require seconding letters from two people familiar with the nominees's accomplishments. Nominators should encourage those sending seconding letters to use the online form below or to submit their letters by mail. Signed online submissions should be PDFs. 

For Supporting Letters: Distinguished Awards Seconding Form

Two seconding letters must be received by the IAS office either as a PDF via the Seconding Form below or by mail. The deadline is the first Friday in February.

Fill out my online form.

Instructions to Submit by Mail

Membership in the Iowa Academy of Science is not a prerequisite for either the nominee or nominator. The following items are required for a nomination:

  1. A letter of nomination describing in detail the nominee's accomplishments and the relevance of those accomplishments to Iowa. The nominator should attache a resume, curriculum vita, or a historical description of the nominee that covers educational and professional background, prior recognition and awards, and relevant memberships and activities. Awards for scholarly activity and research require a bibliography of important scientific publications that are appropriate to the nomination. The letter of nomination should cite the most important publications.

  2. Seconding letters from two people familiar with the nominee's accomplishments.

  3. The nominator should include his/her address, phone, and e-mail, and a statement of whether or not the Academy may consider the nominee for an alternate award, if applicable. Mail all materials to the Iowa Academy of Science postmarked by the first Friday in February.

Distinguished Awards
Iowa Academy of Science
BRC 50
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0508